About Hero Home
Driven by purpose
We’re disrupting the home improvement industry by delivering extraordinary products and services while empowering individuals to become heroes in their own lives and in the lives of others.

Transform your home to transform lives
Our mission is to create heroes who transform themselves to transform the world, all while delivering the absolute highest quality products and services. This two-way relationship allows customers to experience the expert care and professionalism of every HERO employee, while providing our workforce with the tools and life skills to become the most successful people they can be.

Heroes aren’t born, they’re made
We actively fight the stigma that young people who may have been labeled “troubled” aren’t capable of raising the bar for themselves. We give direction and purpose to those who may be feeling lost or who are searching for a meaningful career. We believe every person should have the opportunity to reach their own legendary potential, and all of our everyday heroes work collaboratively and take intentional action to build the career and lives they dream of.
Our core values
Be courageous
Shine the light where it needs to be directed and take action. Everyone is expected to LEAD.
Bring openness
To being seen, to possibilities, to growth and learning with humility. We seek, knock, ask.
Act with integrity
Integrity is not just being respectful and honest—it’s aligning what we do with what we say with precision.
WE, not ME
Our vision and mission to succeed is shared. We support each other through the challenges and celebrate the wins as a team.
Strive for self-mastery
We never give up and understand that on the path to knowing oneself, there’s always room for refinement.
Growth mindset
We think bigger, faster and always do our best. We read to lead. We learn to earn.
People first
We move beyond transactional interactions to heart-centered ways of being that show care and concern to our team and customers.
Empathy & generosity
The secret to living is giving. We listen respectfully and give of ourselves and our resources generously.
Be disciplined
We think, plan, and act on our goals deliberately. We do difficult things by working hard AND smart, which allows us to destroy the status quo.
Vulnerability is strength
We build the courage to show up and be seen even when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of strength.
Our customers are our heroes

We look forward to helping you transform your home.
Reach out for a free consultation today.
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© 2024 HERO HOME